康師傅控股有限公司(「本公司」)及其附屬公司(「本集團」)主要在中國從事生產和銷售方便面、飲品及方便食品。本集團于1992 年開始生產方便面,并自1996 年起擴大業務至方便食品及飲品;2012 年3 月,本集團進一步拓展飲料業務范圍,完成與PepsiCo 中國飲料業務之戰略聯盟,開始獨家負責制造、灌裝、包裝、銷售及分銷PepsiCo 于中國的非酒精飲料。目前本集團的三大品項產品,皆已在中國食品市場占有顯著的市場地位。
Tingyi Group Holding Co., Ltd. is one of our long-term cooperative enterprises, and has been cooperating since 2006.
Tingyi Holdings Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are principally engaged in the production and sale of instant noodles, beverages and instant foods in the PRC. The Group started producing instant noodles in 1992 and expanded its business to instant foods and beverages since 1996. In March 2012, the Group further expanded its beverage business and completed a strategic alliance with PepsiCo's China beverage business. Filling, packaging, sales and distribution of PepsiCo's non-alcoholic beverages in China. At present, the three major products of the Group all have significant market positions in the Chinese food market.